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Read and Write Filebuffer (Binary)

Low level routines to sequential read and write data in filebuffer. After resetting (FBBINIT) or setting (FBBSEEK) the internal pointer the procedures and functions read or write the data and move the pointer to the next position.

FBBINIT - Sets the internal pointer to the start of the binary filebuffer.

FBBSEEK nr% - Sets the internal pointer to the specified byte of the binary filebuffer.

FBBSIZE% (variable) - Contains the size of the binary filebuffer.

FBBPOS% (variable) - specifies the current position of the internal filebuffer pointer.

Write procedureRead functionDatatype
FBBPUTLONG f#FBBLONG#()32bit integer from/to Float

The write procedures set the size of the binary buffer assuming, that the written data is the last data in buffer. If you write into the middle of the filebuffer, you have to assign the buffer size to FBBSIZE after that.
The position of the internal filebuffer pointer can be queried an changed by FBBPOS.

  • FBSTRING - Read/Write Strings to Filebuffer (Text)
Home INTRO Group FILEBUFFER Alphabetical Index