OWBasic for Pocketviewer

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Global Variables And Constants

Global variables are used to access system values (e.g. the touch coordinates) and to change the behaviour of some procedures. Global constants represent system specific values, e.g. the PV model used. Constants can be used in directives so it is possible to develop different platform-specific solutions for the same task.

#FLOATSIZESize of a Float variable in Integer units (PV-S1600: 2, other PV models: 4)
#INTSIZESize of an Integer variable in bytes (PV-S1600: 4, other PV models: 2)
#JUMPBUFSIZESize of an array needed for JUMP/ SETJUMP% (PV-S1600/other PV models: 2)
#NULLSymbolic constant that represents the numerical value 0. Use in pointer assignments
#OWBVERSIONCurrent OWBasic version
#PVMODELCurrent PV model

TCHXX touch coordinate
TCHYY touch coordinate
ERRORSpecifies the number of the error occured before. If no error occured, ERROR is 0
INPUTRCSpecifies the button the INPUT dialogue was left with (-> INPUT)
PARAMETER$Specifies the parameter the program was called with
FORMSTRINGS$Contains the form button captions. The main value of the button selector corresponds with the array index.
ERRORHANDLERUser-defined error handling
EXITHANDLERUser-defined exit handling
PVMODELCurrent PV model (obsolete; use #PVMODEL instead)
OWBVERSIONCurrent OWBasic version (obsolete; use #OWBVERSION instead)

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