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Open serial interface

SRLOPEN [rate%=384] [,bits%=8] [,par%=0] [,stop%=1] [,fctrl%=2] [,port=1]

The serial interface is opened. The handed over communication parameters are set: :

The data rate of the serial interface is set to 100*rate bit per second. The following data rates are possible: 300bps, 600bps, 1200bps, 2400bps, 4800bps, 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, 57600bps and 115200bps

The number of bits per character (7 or 8).

The parameter determines the parity:

par=0No parity
par=1Odd parity
par=2Even parity

The number of the stop bits after each character (1 or 2)

The dataflow control takes place through:

fctrl=1Software XON/XOFF
fctrl=2Hardware RS/CS
fctrl=3Hard- and Software

The port to use:

port=1Serial interface
port=2USB (if available)

The default values correspond to a data rate of 38400 bps and the common protocol 8N1 with hardware data flow control on the serial interface.

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