OWBasic Programs: PocketPaint v3.00
PocketPaint is a powerful tool for drawing and painting operations. It supports the usual drawing modes as well as many useful additional features.

Main menu |

Box settings |

Drawing a box |

Drawing a text |

Circle settings |
The main menu provides the following menu entries:
File- New - deletes the current picture
- Open - displays a QuickMemo load dialog
- Save - saves the picture as QuickMemo
- Export - saves the icon previously copied by Edit|Copy as OWBasic source code
- Exit - closes the program
- Undo - reverses the last operation
- Cut/Copy - copies/cuts a rectangular picture area
- Freehand cut/copy - copies/cuts a user-defined picture area
- Paste - pastes the icon previously copied
- Fill - fills a screen area
- Invert - inverts all pixels
- Zoom - scales up a screen area
- Circle, Box, Line, Text - standard drawing operations
The buttons shown in pictures 3 and 4 can be used to adjust the result of many operations (Copy, Paste, Zom, Circle, Box, Line, Text).
PocketPaint300.zip - PocketPaint v3.00 (German/English); OWBasic source code