OWBasic 5.0 Beta 6

5.01 Beta 4 - Main menu
Changes in OWBasic 5.00 Beta 1:
- The graphical user interface (GUI) has changed;
OWBasic now has the look that is usual for PV applications. The start-up of
OWBasic is faster now.
- To change the options and settings of OWBasic,
you need the additional OWBasic-program "OWBasic Settings" that is
included in the OWBasic Standard Library.
- You can store a pre-compiled program to the
SHARED file (caching).
ATTENTION: The setting "Caching" has to be enabled, otherwise
OWBasic does not search for cached programs in the SHARED file!
- If a runtime error appears, OWBasic offers to
search for the position. If OWBasic was called from IEdit, IEdit also goes
to the error position.
- Some error messages contain additional
information; f.e. the error message "Index out of range" also
shows the wrong index.
- The compiler optimizes the access to variables
and arrays so they require less codes. Constant expressions like indexing a
global array with a constant index are evaluated at compile time so they
need as much codes as a standard variable access.
- User procedures are stored in the symbol table
so they are not limited to 250 (PV-S1600: 1000) any more.
- The capacity for data and codes increased (not
on PV-S1600). OWBasic now provides 16128 words (12288 before) for data and
maximal 5632 codes (5392 before). The maximal string length is 220 now (150
before). The limit of nested control structures is 19 now instead of 15; the
maximal identifier length increased from 17 to 30.
- The Function
pointer declaration was changed.
- The type system
has changed; pointers are type-safe now, the programmer can create own types
using ENUM or FPTR.
- Conversions between pointers
und integers are possible.
- The operator '*' allows to dereference a pointer
- Functions
can return pointers.
- The global constant #INTSIZE
contains the size of an integer variable in byte (old PVs: 2, PV-S1600: 4)
- The hardicon "Menu Bar" does not
call the Abort dialogue any more so it can be queried in OWBasic programs.
- SETJUMP% stores
the code pointer and some additional data to an array; JUMP
jumps to a position stored in an array (comparable to setjmp () und longjmp
() in ANSI C).
- The global array ERRORHANDLER
can be assigned a code pointer by using SETJUMP%.
If a runtime error occurs, the interpreter jumps to the stored position.
- The function APOTIME%
queries the APO time; it can be set by SETAPOTIME.
- The "Light" and "Off"
buttons are queried by OWBasic. This feature can be deactivated by SYS.
- The AutoPowerOff mechanism can be (de-)activated
by SYS.
switches off the PV.
- SYSDLG can
also call system dialogues (contrast, format etc.).
an additional optional parameter that gives the amount of blocks to load
into the filebuffer.
- POLYGON draws
a polygon.
- MSGBOX draws a
message box.
is called without parameters, it works like NEWTOUCH!.
- LIGHT! queries
the backlight status.
draw an icon partially.
- Initialized arrays of data/function pointers
can be defined with CONST.
- Procedures
and functions may have default arguments.
- ENUM declares a
enumeration type.
Changes in OWBasic 5.00 Beta 2:
- All bugs I know about are fixed (default
parameters, serial communication/remote mode, INPUT, complications with IF
and NOT, FORMTOUCH, WAITTOUCH, overlays, problems with string and float type
VAR parameters etc.).
- The size of the question dialogue is now
adapted to the text; the buttons are bigger
- The filter in the filemenu does not regard
upper or lower case.
- The behaviour of MSGBOX
can be specified by an optional parameter now
has an optional parameter that specifies whether upper and lower case are
- The option "Search runtime error"
enables or disables the runtime error search question dialogue
Changes in OWBasic 5.00 Beta 3:
- Remote mode works now (I hope so)
now accepts the last parameter
- EXP10# works correctly on PV-S1600 now
- FOR can handle any datatype of integer size,
f.e. pointers
- IEdit jumps to the correct code position now
- Cached programs may use overlays now
- It is possible to catch a program abort by
exchanges two strings very fast
Changes in OWBasic 5.01 Beta 4:
- INPUTF works
with periodic numbers
- Several bugs in Bool variable and array
functions fixed
und CLEARS work correctly on the PV-S1600 now
- The name of the program started in Autorun
mode can be changed in OWBasic
- The switches Autorun and Restart do not block
each other anymore
returns a value representing the system language
Changes in OWBasic 5.02 Beta 5:
offers two new dialogues
- The list icon of a mode can be queried by MODELISTICON
returns the mode version
- Bug in DUP$ fixed
- The zip archives are created by a batch file
Changes in OWBasic 5.03 Beta 6:
- Several bugs (EXEC and caching, PARAMETER$,
PIXEL%(), AutoPowerOff) fixed
- MODEJUMP does not hang anymore if a invalid
mode is given
- SCROLL throws a runtime error if diff is
greater than the given screen area
can be used to edit a string variable in a user-defined area
draws a keyboard to the screen that can be queried by KBWAIT!()
- program binaries for old PV models
- program binaries PV-S1600
- source code
- HTML-/Pocket Referencer-documentation source
- HTML documentation
- batch files for archive creation and necessary files (extract to OWBasic\release_archives)
To view or to change the OWBasic options you require the OWBasic program OWBasic
Settings and the OWBasic Standard Library.