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New in Version 4.4

New features in version 4.4 are:

Compiler Directives

LOCAL for declaring local variables

Function and procedure pointers

FILEFIND searches for a file by its name

FILELABEL$ returns file label

DRAWSTRING can draw a string right aligned

DUP$ () multiplicates a character

INPUTI, INPUTF and INPUTS allow the user to edit the value of a variable

TOUCH! has four optional coordinate box parameters

TCHINSIDE! checks whether TCHX and TCHY are inside a coordinate box

TCHSET sets the touch panel status

Initialized string constants

CONST S$=("one", "two", "three")

String literals can contain an escape sequence that defines a character by its hexadecimal value

BREAK and CONTINUE are possible in loops

Functions can be called as procedures (without using the return value)

Constant expressions are evaluated at compile time now

The constant functions VARDEF and PROCFUNCDEF check whether a variable/procedure/function is defined

NOT is an unary operator available for Integer (bitwise negation) and Boolean (logical negation)

Constants can be assigned a value at compile time

The Integer constant PVMODEL contains a value that represents the PV model

The global variable FBBSIZE contains the size of the binary filebuffer

multi-line comments possible with "/*" and "*/"

The program code amount was increased (5136 -> 5392)

  • NEW42 - New in Version 4.2
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