AUDACIA Software

OWBasic Programs: PocketPicture v1.01 and PictureConverter v1.05

PocketPicture is a program that shows 8-grayscales pictures created by PictureConverter.

For watching a picture with PocketPicture, you need to do the following:

  1. Save the picture as Windows Bitmap with the size relation 1:1.
  2. Use PictureConverter to open the picture. Adjust contrast and brightness if necessary (the results depend on the PV's contrast settings). PictureConverter scales the picture down to 160x146 pixels (due to the vertical pixel dilation, the picture does not look distorted on the PV).
  3. Save the file in the .AGS file format and use PVComm to transfer it to the PV.

Loading a picture with PocketPicture takes a fairly high amount of time (approx. 17 s) since PocketPicture generates seven monochrome pictures that are shown succesively and distributes the pixels across the pictures using a special dithering algorithm.


PocketPicture - selection menu

Viewing a picture

PictureConverter - converting a bitmap

Downloads: - PocketPicture v1.01 (German/English) OWBasic source code - PictureConverter for PV v1.05 (English) Win32 binary - source code of PictureConverter for PV v1.05 (C++Builder 2006)