OWBasic for Pocketviewer

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New in Version 5.2

New features in version 5.2 are:

The graphical user interface (GUI) was changed a little and reacts faster.

MODEICON supports a new parameter that makes possible to select between Menu and List Menu icon.

MODEVER$ is able to return the Add-In comment.

MODEINFO returns information about the given Add-In.

EXEC is able to return to the calling program after the called program has ended.

The position of the internal filebuffer pointer can be queried and set by FBBPOS.

SBDRAW draws and SBTOUCH queries a scroll bar

OWBasic recognizes and supports Add-Ins packed by AddInPacker (the new mode for Add-Ins is 32).

STRINGSIZE also counts trailing spaces.

BOX supports two new style parameter values (6 and 13).

Function pointers are able to point to built-in functions.

Characters can be subtracted, the resulting difference is an integer value.

OWBasic considers Alarm events.

OWBasic uses 3 independent timers for different purposes:
Timer 0 for the AutoPowerOff feature
Timer 1 for SYNC
Because of that a call for SYNC does not affect the timer started by STARTTIMER any more.
If you need more than one timer in your program, use the Timer component in the OSL.

New operators are supported: ++ and -- in prefix and suffix versions as well as a conditional operator (?:).

The FORM functions have been improved and now cooperate with the OSL.

  • NEW50 - New in Version 5.0
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